Roch Rescue Clinic
We celebrated our 100th sterilization procedure on May 25th, 2024!
Clinic Email:
Clinic Telephone: 734-239-9004
Clinic Address: 6285 N. Territorial, Plymouth, MI 48170
SPay/Neuer counts

Please complete the appropriate admission form below.
A scheduling coordinator will reach out with information about availability and additional information.
*All surgical procedures include anesthesia, surgery, and a 24 hour pain injection. Additional pain meds may be prescribed at an additional cost.
*Other services are available and an estimate of cost can be provided.
*All scheduling inquiries MUST have a completed admission form, found above.
*An estimate and anesthesia consent form will be emailed for completion prior to scheduled surgery date, along with admission information.
*A brief pre-anesthetic exam by a licensed DVM will be performed before any surgical or sedated procedure.
*A rabies vaccine will be required for animals of age, unless proof of vaccination has been provided. This is at the owner’s expense.
*Payment will be due upon discharge.
*If any pet is found to have fleas upon admission a Capstar will automatically be administered at owner’s expense.